For the seventh consecutive year, SURA received the distinction as a socially responsible company awarded by Peru 2021 and Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI) (Mexican Center for Philanthropy)
For the seventh consecutive year, SURA received the distinction as a socially responsible company awarded by Peru 2021 and Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI) (Mexican Center for Philanthropy)
For the fourth year in a row SURA Asset Management Mexico received the Advanced Level in their 2017 Annual Report submitted to the UN’s Global Compact
For the fourth year in a row SURA Asset Management Mexico received the Advanced Level in their 2017 Annual Report submitted to the UN’s Global Compact
Merco Talento recognized SURA as one of the 100 companies with the greatest ability to attract and retain talent in Chile
Merco Talento recognized SURA as one of the 100 companies with the greatest ability to attract and retain talent in Chile
La única AFP en el ranking Merco Empresas.
CEMEFI awarded Sura Asset Management Mexico a distinction for being a Socially Responsible Company - SRC) 2018
CEMEFI awarded Sura Asset Management Mexico a distinction for being a Socially Responsible Company - SRC) 2018
Ocupa el lugar 39 entre 186 empresas.
Se mantiene como una de las 100 mejores empresas para trabajar en Colombia.
Certificación de su sistema de investigación, desarrollo e innovación (I+D+i).