About our business
At SURA Asset Management we believe that the individually funded pension system is an ideal means for building a better future. Our objective, as a fund management organization, is to ensure the proper management of our savers’ resources so as to be able to provide them with a stable pension over time. As important players in the Latin American pension industry, our commitment is to align the handling of the resources entrusted to us with people’s different savings habits so as to be able to satisfy their expectations. We also provide our knowledge and expertise so as to help overcome the challenges that our pension systems face today, this through concrete proposals
Pension Vision
Ensuring that people are entitled to decent pensions must be one of the priorities of our social protection policies. It is not a matter of organizing a confrontation between the public and private sectors, but of complementing and contributing what each player has to offer so as to arrive at the best possible -sustainable- system.
For this reason, every day we are striving to improve the way we approach our clients and offer them our advice, using technological tools to deliver a service tailored to their needs. By delivering a value-added offering for each stage of our clients' lives, we are also providing them greater support and assistance.
We make our pension systems more sustainable when:
- We help to strengthen these and provide our retirees with better living conditions, this through the part we play in public dynamics and by improving our internal and external processes.
- We empower people by providing them with financial and pension education thereby increasing awareness of the importance of building a better future.
- We promote dialog and discourse between the different actors so as to collectively build a better future.
We are developing a value-added offering for our retirees.
We are stressing the importance of individual savings systems. The individually funded system has proven to be a possible option for our countries, in terms of financial sustainability, this in addition to the benefits it provides to the economic development and the growth of our countries.
We are helping to improve the pension system. We make a positive impact on public discourse to the extent that we contribute the knowledge and experience we have amassed in this industry on a regional level, so that our pension systems can better respond to the expectations and needs of our citizens.
We believe in working together and in an articulated manner. Having better pension systems is only possible when all the actors involved are able to work together (the public and private sectors, employers and fund members) understanding their respective roles and the way in which each one adds value. The private sector has proven to be the best possible manager of the resources of our fund members, both in terms of the knowledge gained over the years as well as its technological and market management capabilities.
This is what it does in its role as a pension fund management firm, that is to say helping people to build up their capital which in turn allows them to retire well and enjoy a dignified old age. It also does so by providing various savings and investment alternatives to its clients, which are based precisely on believing in the virtuous circle that these alternatives generate: saving drives a country’s development, which in turn provides financial protection and then gives people freedom to make their own decisions. For this reason, SURA Asset Management is committed to the democratization of savings and investment products, an objective that challenges us to expand the alternatives we offer, along with access to such, so as to ensure specialized assistance and support for our clients.
Financial education


Taking Control
Managing the savings of almost 8 million Colombians has made us even more committed to encouraging financial education as a way for more Colombians to become aware of the decisions that shall allow them to have a better quality of life in the future. At Protección, our financial education program forms part of one of our strategic pillars, this as part of our Client Proximity Plan, which aims to increase people’s knowledge of the importance of savings and help them understand the pension system while becoming acquainted with Proteccion’s offering, thereby allowing its clients to build and monitor their savings..

Proteccion University
Protección introduced its Protección University program, as a non-formal educational tool, based on e-learning parameters, that can be received either on-line or face-to-face, with some of its modules primarily focused on Financial Education, which allows the program to be supplemented through partnerships with key allies that allow us to train people in the importance of saving now for the future, with our support as well as our agile and secure services and our ability to provide timely information. Our latest financial education campaign "Take Control of Your Finances" (introduced in 2020) managed to reach 24% of our clients through digital media (email and SMS messaging).


Let’s Talk about Pensions
Since 2015, AFP Capital has been providing its own financial and pension education program called "Let's talk about Pensions", which addresses various issues with the Chilean Pension system and provides the key points for people to better manage their future. On the other hand, and with the purpose of maintaining our proximity to our clients and providing clear and timely information, since 2017 this subsidiary has been holding interactive video streaming, where company executives discuss topics of interest regarding the Protection’s pension system and answer subscriber's questions during the transmission.

Capital Play
In 2020, our Chilean subsidiary launched an education and information platform, open to the public, called Capital Play, in which users can access content relating to the pension system, this in various formats, in keeping with global consumption trends in content streaming, which are ordered in the form of "series" and "chapters", thereby facilitating user access to relevant content, this based on their own interests and needs..


Findo is a free APP for families that helps them manage their children's goals, encouraging a culture of saving for the future and encouraging good habits among children. By using a simple, recreational approach, children are able to understand the importance of saving, the value of money, discipline and commitment. With Findo, both parents and children are able to discover an amusing way of saving as a family..

The Pension Route
The Pension Route is an initiative for adults 50 years of age and older who began working before 1997. The Pension Route offers this segment of the population advice and a step-by-step guide to help them prepare, so that when they reach the age of 60, they can apply for their pension with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) without encountering any setbacks. Given the fact that workers have little or no knowledge regarding the pension application process, with its Pension Route program, Afore SURA seeks to create a culture of prevention and awareness among both its clients and the general population regarding the processing of their pensions

Let’s Talk Pensions
The Let's Talk Pensions program first came into being in 2017, as an initiative aimed at young university students who have started or will soon start their working lives. Through face-to-face or on-line conferences, we seek to raise awareness among young people about the role that each of these has as the person mainly responsible for their retirement and the importance of voluntary savings to achieve their goals at each stage of their lives. By attending the Let's Talk Pensions conference, given by an expert from Afore SURA, people learn how the social security systems work in Mexico and the main factors to consider when planning their retirement..
Let’s Talk Pensions Video Conference::

Blog Afore SURA
The purpose of the Afore SURA Blog is to allow the public to access financial and pension educational content that will help them understand, in a straightforward manner, various topics related to their pension fund management firm. Upon acquiring more knowledge regarding his or her savings, the individual will be able to make the right decisions that will allow him/her to generate wealth, have a healthy financial life and enjoy a dignified retirement..


Youth Employability
Knowing that in a country like Peru we must continue to promote financial education and savings initiatives, we implemented a series of programs focused on providing skills to drive formal employment, financial education, planning and savings. With these, we wish to help people develop skills for their professional growth and for making informed and timely decisions. Our main initiatives include the Employability Program for Young People, in alliance with the Municipality of Lima, which seeks to help young people between the ages of 15 and 29 to enter the formal job market through different training modules; and the employability program for our subscribers has been created with the aim of helping them to make the right decisions.
On the other hand, our corporate volunteer programs are also aimed at promoting financial education amongst the general population. In 2020, we partnered with two institutions that allow our volunteer employees to teach financial education. The first partnership was with the NGO PROA, which allowed our volunteers to connect up with heads of households on a weekly basis to share their knowledge and guide them in a responsible and organized manner as to how to use their money to strengthen their family’s economy. Secondly, together with NESsT, a firm specializing in the incubation of social enterprises and impact funds, we trained 13 employees to mentor social enterprises and advise them on business management issues for 4 months..

Job fair
We participate in university job fairs with recreational activities to educate young students regarding the pension system and the job market. We set up a stand with job proposals from SURA Asset Management Uruguay and developed a trivia game with questions and answers to provide an interactive tool that educates them about the pension system in this part of the world, while giving them the opportunity to win prizes. In 2020, we adapted our job fair participation so as to take into account the on-line formats developed by several universities in this country..

Mobile branches
In 2019 and 2020 we developed AFAP SURA mobile branches in different areas of Montevideo, with the aim of getting closer to our clients and provide them with pension advice at strategic points in the city. We chose places with high foot traffic so as to reach a larger number of Uruguayans, these corresponding to 8 different locations in the city. At these branches, people were invited to learn about their estimated retirement funds, by providing detailed and personalized calculations, in addition to general information about the pension system in Uruguay.

Power T
For 3 years in a row (2017-19) we held an event, that is open to the public, aimed at providing free training so as to produce ideas regarding the importance of the impact of the decisions we make today regarding our future. One of these events brought together well-known personalities and their reflections to more than 500 people in the Montevideo Movie Center Theater. Sebastián Peaguda, General Manager of AFAP SURA was in charge of this event, which invited the attendees to reflect on the country’s pension system and the importance of making decisions that will have a favorable impact on their future.