Afore SURA is recognized by CONDUSEF for the "Commitment to Care for the Elderly"

Afore SURA is recognized by CONDUSEF for the "Commitment to Care for the Elderly"
  • Through its Care of the Elderly Protocol, Afore SURA is committed to providing comprehensive, priority, egalitarian, and discrimination-free care to senior citizens who request the service.

Mexico City, February 26 2024. Afore SURA was recognized by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (CONDUSEF) with the Commitment to Care for the Elderly, for the implementation of the Care for the Elderly Protocol, seeking to provide a comprehensive, dignified, and specialized service for the elder.

The objective of Afore SURA's Care for the Elderly Protocol, is to ensure that elderly customers receive comprehensive, priority and non-discriminatory care in their branches; provide adequate and easily accessible facilities to offer a comfortable and safe stay; to promote access to the means of care, assistance, and accompaniment, guaranteeing the understanding of information; as well as safeguarding the privacy and protection of customers personal data.

Equity, Respect, Responsibility and Transparency are the four corporate principles on which Afore SURA bases this Care Protocol and, by being an inclusive company, are aligned with the ten basic principles to be observed in the care of the elderly in the financial sector issued by CONDUSEF, to achieve comprehensive and respectful care. The following are some of the good practices carried out by the company, incorporating these principles:

  • Specialized advice. Through its pension guidance, Afore SURA helps its clients make timely decisions that allow them to achieve a better pension plan for their retirement purposes. One of the tools it has developed for this is the Pension Route (Ruta de la Pensión), the first and only pension guide in Mexico, which seeks to lead,  accompany and provide the necessary information about this process in a step by step manner.
  • Training and care. Afore SURA works to treat senior citizens with dignity, and respect for free will and personal integrity. For that purpose, the Customer Service team receives training on a regular basis and is prepared to provide care for the elderly.
  • Equal treatment. Employees provide equal and non-discriminatory care, fostering a culture of respect, in addition to proactively offering the appropriate service to the needs of elderly clients or people with disabilities, which includes humble, friendly, and dignified treatment, as well as the use of inclusive and appropriate language for everyone.
  • Sensitization. The counselors provide specific assistance and accompaniment and are empathetic and patient with senior citizens because of their awareness of the issues they face. Although the service in branches is carried out directly with the individual account holder, if the individual account holder requests it, the administrator can provide information to a companion, preferably a family member.
  • Preferential and prioritized attention. Afore SURA is committed to having a preferential and priority care scheme for the elderly in its branches. In its Specialized Customer Service Unit (UEAP), the company already has two departments to care for retirees, where a preferential and specialized service is provided to them offering privacy and comfort. 
  • Speedy Access. Afore SURA has a personalized service through its branches, strategically distributed in the main metropolitan areas of the country, to be within reach of its customers and in easily accessible places. It also has Mobile Units, which can be assigned to senior citizens who are unable to travel, even in hospitalized situations.
  • Professional Service. Likewise, the company adheres to the applicable current regulations to provide compliance and certainty to the processes requested by the elderly. For example, the User's Bill of Rights, is delivered in its service branches, through which workers can learn about their rights and obligations related to the service provided by Afore.
  • Security and data privacy. If the person wishes to exercise their ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition), Afore SURA has a specialized area to provide attention, follow-up, and response to such requests, with the ease for entry of the corresponding explanation for the elderly. In this regard, it should be noted that the company has a Personal Data Management System certified by the INAI (Certification NYCE 2023).

"At Afore SURA we assume the responsibility of providing specialized and prioritized care to our elderly clients, based on empathy and respect. This insignia that CONDUSEF gives us today, and that we proudly receive is evidence of our purpose to improve the experience of our customers and adapt to their needs so that they have better retirement options," stated Emilio Bertrán, General Director of Afore SURA.

For his part, Mr. Oscar Rosado, President of CONDUSEF, thanked Afore SURA for joining this effort, and stated that the elderly are a growing segment that represents 15% of the population according to INEGI statistical data, in addition to the fact that, in terms of Afores, 6 out of 10 complaints that come to its attention come from senior citizens. Hence the importance of carrying out concrete actions to care for this sector of the population, on which the treatment with an empathetic approach is guaranteed, in which, in turn, the culture of due attention to the users of the financial sector is communicated, trained, and transmitted.

“Afore SURA has built a philosophy and a way of acting so that the customer has a good experience with quality and warmth. The Pension Route, for example, is an effort that no other Afore has, and is worthy of recognition," said the President of CONDUSEF, who added: "The financial sector is a rapidly moving sector in Mexico, what Afore SURA does today is only available through a few institutions in the entire country, and they should feel proud to know that the system to which they belong to is a spearhead in the care of senior citizens. We are also facing new generations eager for the Afores to offer them new options, and reaching them will be a challenge we have to face together".

Press Contact:

SURA AM México    
Jacqueline Briones    
[email protected]

Carral Sierra
Lucía Jiménez
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