Our Purpose

SURA Asset Management

We help our clients to achieve their financial wellbeing and equity goals. 

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Our Regional Presence


Our Recognitions

Trofeo de reconocimiento

5th place in the C3 Creativity and Innovation Ranking prepared by Brinca consulting firm in conjunction with the Universidad del Desarrollo.


Trofeo de reconocimiento

14th place in Best Companies for Interns 2020 (from 18th we moved up to 14th in the public ranking since not all companies want to be mentioned in this space).


Trofeo de reconocimiento

ESR Socially Responsible Company Distinction. For the 15th consecutive year, SURA AM Mexico received the Socially Responsible Company distinction awarded by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI).


Trofeo de reconocimiento

Data Protection. SURA AM Mexico received recertification under the Personal Data Protection (PDP) scheme, granted by the certification body, Standardization and Electronic Certification (NYCE).

México NYCE

Trofeo de reconocimiento

Financial Education Census. Consar included Afore SURA in 2020 as one of the Afores that increased its EF and pension actions in fiscal year 2019. For the fourth consecutive year, Afore SURA remains in the highest score in this census.


+Afore Indicator. For the fifth consecutive year, Afore SURA obtained the highest rating in service, according to CONSAR's +AFORE indicator (Comisión Nacional del Sistema de Ahorro para el Retiro, National Commission of the Retirement Savings System).


Trofeo de reconocimiento

Afore SURA was included in IT Masters Mag's Most Innovative ranking for the project "Advanced Analytics for Smart Campaigns".

México IT Masters MAG

Know them all

In numbers

<strong>7</strong> Countries

7 Countries

Latin American from where we contribute to the development of the region.

<strong>23.7</strong> Million clients

23.7 Million clients

who place their trust in us.

<strong>USD 158.7</strong> Billion in managed

USD 158.7 Billion in managed

assets that represent our clients’ wealth and future.

<strong>6,800</strong> Employees

6,800 Employees

committed to making our objective come true.

About us

We are the leading Latin American Asset Manager in pension fund administration, asset management, and investment consulting.

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What we do

We have a broad offering of financial products and services through our Investment Management, Savings and Investments, and Pension Fund Administration business units.

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Investor relations

See the financial information about our organization’s most significant results.

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Get the details of our news, bulletins, events, and resources in our organization’s press

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